Theatre Consulting

We provide theatre design and consulting for a digital world.
Salas O’Brien’s theatre consultants specialize in venues that engage and connect people. Our expertise is in spaces that facilitate both hybrid and traditional events, where coordination between architecture and technology is critical to the venue’s success. Our team combines the best of art and engineering to create unique venues that are visually stunning with technology that enhances the experience and extends a performance’s reach. We understand the business case of high-touch, high-tech performance venues with back-to-back shows and tight turnovers necessary to remain competitive in today’s landscape.
We have an in-house team of theatre consultants to address every element of the venue: core room shaping and seating layouts, theatre equipment, acoustics, audio, video, theatrical lighting, data, and security. Our coordination between these disciplines starts immediately, and our design process reduces time and wasted energy by bringing these voices to the table early. We are experienced in solving design conflicts, working within the code, developing creative approaches, and coordinating the technology into the architectural design.
Theatre Consulting Projects
What we can offer
Salas O’Brien offers a complete array of design services from our theatre consultants, including the development of advanced and often groundbreaking solutions when conventional approaches can’t deliver quality results. We provide the best of consulting, design, and engineering.
Room design concepts with 3-D modeling
Salas O’Brien’s theatre consultants provide initial theatrical design concepts including size, volume, form, seating layouts, and stage-to-audience relationship with full integration of acoustics and technology. We work through code issues for audience, artist, and technical circulation with backstage and front-of-house planning.
Sightline studies
Salas O’Brien provides sightline studies to verify viewing experiences for the audience to both stage and screen. By analyzing the sightlines of every seat in the theatre, we can make informed decisions on seat placement, stage design, screen placement, and the height of the stage.
Theatrical rigging
Salas O’Brien provides full design for stage machinery and rigging systems including support grids and draperies, pit lifts, wagons and flexible seating systems, catwalk, tension grid and pipe grid design for lighting support and access.
Theatrical lighting
Salas O’Brien provides theatrical lighting design including power and control distribution, fixtures and equipment packages. We also provide architectural lighting design inside the theatre for full integration.