Student Villages HVAC and Envelope Upgrades

Salas O’Brien developed and maintained a chilled water master plan for Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Student Village Florida campus and related facilities. This plan analyzed distribution using computer modeling to highlight deficiencies, evaluate alternate solutions, and recommend improvements with cost estimates. Equipment life expectancy and operational enhancements were also considered with a timeline for replacement generated from current and future demand projections. Recommendations for the enhancement of the chilled water infrastructure were developed to ensure its reliable supply, resulting in a twenty-year schedule of projects including equipment replacement, additions of underground distribution systems, modifications of pumping/controls, and transition from ice to chilled water thermal storage.

Completion Year


Construction Cost

$8.2 million

The University appreciates the level of project management and support provided by Salas O’Brien throughout the life cycle of a project and we intend to continue our relationship developing more projects in the future.
Kevin M. Kreide, PEFormer AVP for Facilities, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University