Strategic groundwater monitoring of contaminated sites
Long-Term Groundwater Monitoring
Salas O’Brien is providing environmental support to the former Woodbridge Research Facility (WRF) and Vint Hills Farms Station (VHFS), now known as Occoquan Bay National Wildlife Refuge (OBNWR). WRF had two operable units with seven disposal areas where surface and buried debris, soil, and contaminated materials such as polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), pesticides, semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs), and contaminated soil and sediment were removed. Land use controls are the ongoing solution for both sites, with monitoring in place.
Salas O’Brien has sampled groundwater from these sites using low-flow sampling with a peristaltic pump connected to Horiba® U52 Water Quality Meter. Collection vessels constructed from slotted PVC pipes have been placed to collect surface water runoff samples at WRF before being returned back to its original form. This process ensures effective groundwater monitoring of the area.